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als parelmoer, artbook
hunting , als parelmoer artbook



the artbook is a result of the project 'interaction' where photographs of Gabriele Viertel meet poems of Elly de Waard.

A limited edition of 99, each numbered and signed exemplar is accompanied by a print of 'hunting' by Gabriele Viertel.


                                                                                                                                                                                                            buy book >>

Gabriele Viertel & Elly de Waard

Design: Mart. Warmerdam
Format: 28 x 21.6 cm
15 fc images, 32 p., Sewn (singer stitch)
Edition: 99 numbered and signed ex.


january 2018
Publisher : 99 Uitgevers

Hunting edition print

numbered and signed

size 32.5 x 23 cm,

printed on 305 grs Hahnemühle

Photo Rag Ultra Smooth Paper

Gabriele Viertel & Elly de Waard

Design: Mart. Warmerdam
Format: 28 x 21.6 cm
15 fc images, 32 p., Sewn (singer stitch)
Edition: 99 numbered and signed ex.


january 2018
Publisher : 99 Uitgevers




Hunting edition print

numbered and signed

size 32.5 x 23 cm,

printed on 305 grs Hahnemühle

Photo Rag Ultra Smooth Paper







the artbook is a result of the project 'interaction' where photographs of Gabriele Viertel meet poems of Elly de Waard.

A limited edition of 99, each numbered and signed exemplar is accompanied by a print of 'hunting' by Gabriele Viertel.


                                                                                                                                                                                                            buy book >>

' The 21st century is a century of globalization, mixing of cultures and the expansion of monocultures. For the arts, this means that the disciplines involve many more connections: theater with cinematography, painting or sculpture, word with music, word with image, photography, and so forth. As a poet I am focused on maximizing the expression in as few words as possible and in the melody of the language itself. But I have also discovered that combining my poems with a certain image can give me amazing new possibilities. That image I found in the work of Gabriele Viertel. Due to her kind of photography, I am able to re-expose a relatively unknown side of my work so far - sexuality and eroticism.

And in a way that in the present time, where we  almost daily are confronted with rape, sex mutilation and violence against women, is expelled to the background, namely provided with beauty, tenderness, love and with an antidote very meaningful and pleasant glamor.

On the other hand, my poems also throw a new and surprising light on her images. '

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G A B R I E L E  V I E R T E L

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